Replaced the wave 2 spawn group of 2 Clot Alphas and 2 Gorefasts with 2 Slashers and 2 Gorefasts.

This should reduce the likelihood of Rioters and increase the number of Slashers.

Monster Ball Halloween seasonal objectives to earn the MKb.42(H) Carbine Rifle and a unique Hans weapon skin for it.Time-Limited Halloween Objectives, Tickets, and Cosmetics.Shareable weapon content ( weapon is available to all players on a dedicated server if one player owns it ).Unlocked by completing all Halloween seasonal objectives.MKb.42(H) Carbine Rifle for the Commando.FN FAL ACOG for the Sharpshooter and Commando.HMTech-501 Grenade Rifle for the Field Medic and Commando.Monster Ball ( Weekly, Survival, Versus Survival, and Endless compatible ).