This time around Ubisoft got access to the actual show assets, which means you’re essentially “playing” through the show instead of something built like it. The Stick of Truth is included as a free download but it doesn't appear that there is any continuity between gamesaves in that game and the new one the connection is merely narrative, and the player moves on to designing a new costume.The visuals and sound are pretty much replicas of the TV show.

6 on PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One. South Park: The Fractured But Whole launches Dec. There's more footage from within the game, including teases of the character's origin process and how combat has changed, which includes a square-movement feature somewhat like XCOM's. The rest is not just b-roll of developers at conference tables or wearing headphones and working earnestly.

Butt (snicker) this one was not the title the creative pair originally wanted. Of course, that could lead to ruptures - in the space time continuum, that is - which led to the name. The Fractured But Whole picks up where 2014's The Stick of Truth left off, and in the first game, a player's sphincter had a variety of offensive and defensive applications. In a seven-minute developer diary put out for San Diego Comic-Con, series creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone explain that the game's third-grade-pun title comes from the expanding power of the main character's poop chute.

Thirty years later, it looks like we're getting the video game equivalent: South Park: The Fractured But Whole. Richard looked at his power set and determined he would be called "The Living Dysentery." He had poison gas and body transformation: liquid, I think, so Richard postulated that he could change into a wave of shit, and chose a paralyzing power stunt that you don't want to know about. When I was 12, my best friend Richard and I rolled characters in the Marvel Super Heroes tabletop RPG, randomly assigned powers and tried to come up with a story tying them together.